A web-based edition of early seventeenth-century political poetry from manuscript sources. It brings into the public domain over 350 poems, many of which have never before been published.

D5 Two R:R:rs twoe Crookebacks of late ruled Englands helme

Notes. This is one of two libels that compare the hump-backed Cecil to the hump-backed tyrant Richard III. For a discussion of the Ricardian motif in these libels, see Croft (“Reputation” 55-56).

Two R:R:rs twoe Crookebacks of late ruled Englands helme

The one spilte the Royall bloode,1 the other Spoylde the Realme.

Source. BL MS Egerton 2230, fol. 69v

Other known sources. PRO SP 14/69/67:I (transcribed in Chamberlain 1.356 n. 34); Newsletters from the Archpresbyterate of George Birkhead 192


1   spilte the Royall bloode: allusion to Richard III’s alleged murder of the two princes in the Tower. <back>