A web-based edition of early seventeenth-century political poetry from manuscript sources. It brings into the public domain over 350 poems, many of which have never before been published.


F. The Essex Nullity, the Somerset Marriage and the Death of Overbury (1613-1614)

F1. A page a knight a Vicount, and an Earle [1613 version]  (html) (pdf)

F2. Letchery did consult with witcherye  (html) (pdf)

F3. Were itt nott a brutish crueltye  (html) (pdf)

F4. From Katherins dock there launcht a pinke  (html) (pdf)

F5. Essex bird hath flowen hir cage  (html) (pdf)

F6. Lady changed to Venus Dove  (html) (pdf)

F7. Henrie, raysed Brandon  (html) (pdf)

F8. Brave hardie Carre-man that with thy bastinado  (html) (pdf)

F9. The fayre and famous mayde is gone  (html) (pdf)

F10. Tis painefull rowing gainst the bigg swolne tide  (html) (pdf)

F11. Heere lyes one nowe not worth despising  (html) (pdf)